
Return to work checklist for when COVID-19 restrictions ease in Canada

Return to Work Checklist for when COVID-19 Restrictions Ease in Canada

Most Canadian provinces and territories have announced plans to ease the restrictions they placed on businesses and individuals as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

One Year Later: Why HR Leaders Should Still Be Paying Attention to GDPR

GDPR has now been in effect for more than a year. How has the compliance landscape changed? What can organizations expect in the coming months?

Cannabis in Canada Update – New Regulations on Recreational Cannabis Edibles, Extracts, and Topicals...

by Natalka Haras There are changes to Canada's Cannabis Regulations (the “New Regulations”) to establish rules for the legal production and sale of three new classes of recreational cannabis products: edible cannabis, cannabis extracts, and cannabis topicals...
Person shopping for clothes

HR[preneur] Episode 9: How an Employee’s Off-Duty Conduct Impacts Your Brand

Your company's brand and reputation are critical to your success. So, it's understandable that you'd be concerned how an employee's actions outside of work impact your company's image.
Two employees having a conversation

Do Variable Pay Practices Contribute to Gender Pay Discrimination?

Here are answers to some FAQs regarding the importance of pay equity and potential strategies to achieve it.
Man sweeping factory floor

Legislative Update: Bill 66, Restoring Ontario’s Competitiveness Act, 2019

The government of Ontario recently passed Bill 66, Restoring Ontario’s Competitiveness Act, 2019.