Learning in a Virtual World
As remote work becomes the new normal, old school training methods no longer cut it. They are didactic, expensive, inefficient and far too often outdated before the fiscal year ends. With a remote workforce commonplace, the way we work, communicate, collaborate, and learn has changed. Use this tip sheet to guide your leaders and managers with the right strategies and tools to connect teams remotely and continue their professional development.
4 Employee Burnout Signs and How Great Managers Respond
As many employees work from home during the coronavirus pandemic, managers must watch for employee burnout signs.
Reopening Workplace Premises – A Playbook
The provincial/territorial governments are beginning to reopen their jurisdictions, as COVID -19 lockdown measures are eased. The reopening process is an opportunity for employers to begin to develop plans on how they will reopen their physical locations. The information in this playbook is to help employers as they begin the planning process.
Return to Work Checklist for when COVID-19 Restrictions Ease in Canada
Most Canadian provinces and territories have announced plans to ease the restrictions they placed on businesses and individuals as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Most Employers Are Providing Some Additional Support during COVID-19: ADP Study
When examining employee perceptions of employer readiness and response to the COVID-19 pandemic, results show that working Canadians believe organizations reacted swiftly to equip teams with technology, policies and protective measures, but may have overlooked other supports and resources, especially for mental health.
Back to Work in China: Operational Insight for Navigating the New Normal
With staff going back to work in China, what's changing for enterprises? What's the same? And what can Canadian businesses learn about operating in the "new normal"?
Less Burden, More Focus on the Bottom Line — The Case For Outsourcing HR
HR outsourcing can offer your business many advantages. Here's a look at why organizations have decided to outsource.
Kindness Always has a Place
How do we keep going when we're not sure what's next? ADP's Business Anthropologist recommends you start by being gentle with yourself, connect with others, and find ritual and comfort in the everyday simple parts of life.
Remember Gig Workers as Your Organization Adapts to New Ways of Working
Gig workers have shown themselves to be crucial to your business, and it's important to show them how much you appreciate their efforts.
What to Pack (and What to Toss) When Moving to Cloud-Based HR and Payroll
HR leaders need knowledge about key benefits and potential pitfalls of moving to the cloud.